Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nooma, Lending a helping hand, and BBQ

This morning we arrived at the church at 9am to head out to bible study, and we were welcomed by Joe's newly painted bike.

We have been away from the Nooma series while we participated in the church-wide "Life's Healing Choices" study. Today we returned to our regularly scheduled program, and continued on with the Nooma "Store" lesson. We all get angry about things from time to time--some of us more often than others. For some of us, it feels like we're constantly on the brink of losing it, where it doesn't take much to get angry about anything. And this kind of anger can be seen everywhere we go--at work, in traffic, at the store, at home. But what is really at its root? Anger is often looked at as a bad thing, but are there things actually worth getting angry about? Maybe if we had a better understanding of our anger and where it comes from, we could learn how to channel it toward something constructive--something that's bigger than ourselves.

After our bible study we decided to go and help one of our Harvest folks in need with a fun day in the sun, a little yard work and a BBQ.


Unknown said...

Joe Barloe's bike. Not Jay's.

bdavison said...

All fixed now....

Design by Harvest Riders 2010